I help people to find socially enterprising ways to change the world.
I work with people to understand the problem they’re trying to solve, imagine how things could change - and then get on and make things happen.
My theory of change
To solve a social problem, we need to understand it.
Too often, when we’re faced with a social issue, we jump straight into problem-solving mode, without asking deeper questions about what’s really going on - and why.
I help people to explore some of those deeper questions. Find out more here.
Understanding the problem we want to solve isn’t enough on its own.
We need to take what we’ve learnt and use it to inspire us as we imagine a more positive future path. For your business, your organisation, or the wider world.
I help people to creatively imagine how things can be better than they are right now. Find out more here
I love helping people to make good stuff happen.
This is where my 25 years of experience as a serial social entrepreneur comes to the fore.
And I know what good and bad business support looks like.
I help people to take their idea and come up with a plan - so they can get on and do good stuff. Find out more here